CASIS 2006 International Conference - "9/11 + 5: Security & Intelligence in the Eye of the Storm"
26 - 28 October, 2006 - Preliminary Programme - Crowne Plaza Hotel Ottawa
Thursday, October 26
10:00 |
Conference Registration Lower Lobby |
10:00 |
Sign-Up* for Academic Event at CSIS HQ Victoria *This event is only open to full-time students who are registered for the conference, and to Canadian professors who are existing CASIS members. The deadline for first-come/first-served sign-up is 6:00pm October 26th. See Friday programme for more details. |
11:00 |
Pre-Conference Background Briefing for Media Richelieu-Frontenac Overview of Security and Intelligence Issues and Key Conference Speakers |
12:15 |
Bursary Student Meeting Victoria |
1:00 |
Conference Opening and President's Welcome Ballroom
- Wesley Wark, CASIS President and Munk Centre, University of Toronto
- G�rard Hervouet, CASIS Vice-President and Laval University
1:15 |
Guest of Honour Ballroom
The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Hon. Stockwell Day |
2:00 |
Keynote Speaker Ballroom Bruce Hoffman, Georgetown University |
"Al Qaeda in Retreat or on the March? The Challenge of Intelligence on Terrorism"
Chair and Introduction by Gavin Cameron, University of Calgary |
3:00 |
Break |
3:30 |
Panel 1 Security and Intelligence Transformation Since 9/11 Ballroom
- Chair: William Elliot, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
- Jennifer Sims, Georgetown University
"A Contrarian's Approach to Intelligence Transformation"
- Richard A. Posner, University of Chicago Law School and Judge, US Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit
"Why the United States Needs a Counterpart to CSIS or MI-5"
- Reid Morden, Reid Morden Associates, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Director, Canadian Security Intelligence Service
"National Security Policy in Canada since 9/11: An Assessment"
- Michael Wesley, Director, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University, Australia
"The Australian Intelligence Community and the Challenges of Transnational Threats"
5:00 |
Panel 2 Ballroom
National Security: Comparative Lessons for the Transatlantic Community
- Chair: John Adams, Chief, Communications Security Establishment
- Mel Cappe President, Institute for Research on Public Policy
"Reflections of a De-Commissioned High Commissioner"
- Paul Heinbecker, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Waterloo
6:15 |
President's Reception Penthouse
Weller Prize Winners Presentation for Best Graduate and Undergraduate Research Papers
Chair and Introduction by Arne Kislenko, Ryerson University and Chairman, 2006 Weller Prize Committee
7:00 |
Gala Dinner Ballroom
Richard Clarke, former White House National Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism
Chair and Introduction by Margaret Purdy, University of British Columbia and former Security and Intelligence Coordinator, Privy Council Office, Government of Canada
Friday, October 27
8:30 |
Keynote Address Ballroom
Sir Richard Dearlove, Master, Pembroke College, Cambridge and
Former Chief, British Secret Intelligence Service, 1999-2004
"The Role of Intelligence and the Emerging New World Order"
Chair and Introduction by Ward Elcock, Deputy Minister, Dept. of National Defence
9:30 |
Break |
9:45 |
Special Address Ballroom
Ambassador Henry Crumpton, Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism, US Department of State
"A New Era of Conflict"
Chair and Introduction by Bob Gordon, Associate Chief, Communications Security Establishment
10:30 |
Panel 3 (concurrent) Ballroom
The Knowledge Business: Training and Education for National Security
- Chair: Mel Cappe, President, Institute for Research on Public Policy
- William Nolte, University of Maryland
- Mark Lowenthal, Intelligence and Security Academy, Washington, DC and former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production, 2002-05
- Monik Beauregard, Privy Council Office, International Assessment Staff
"Training for National Security: Improving Intelligence Analysis through Community Training"
- Robert Heibel, Executive Director, Institute for Intelligence Studies, Mercyhurst College
"Intelligence Studies: Provider of the National Security Knowledge Workers of the 21st Century?"
10:30 |
Panel 4 (concurrent) L'Union Europ�enne et la lutte contre le terrorisme Richelieu-Frontenac
- Chair: G�rard Hervouet, CASIS Vice-President, Laval University
- M. Gilles de Kerchove, Directeur, S�curit� Int�rieure et Justice P�nale et
Secr�tariat g�n�ral du Conseil de l'UE
« Strat�gie de l'Union Europ�enne dans la lutte contre le terrorisme »
- Olivier Delas, Universit� Laval, Facult� de droit
« La lutte contre le terrorisme en Europe et la protection des droits de la personne : quel �quilibre ? »
- Delphine Nakache, Universit� de Montr�al, Facult� de droit
« L'utilisation du droit de l'immigration comme outil de lutte au terrorisme et les droits de la personne en Am�rique du Nord et en Europe »
12:00 |
Buffet Lunch Ballroom
Jim Judd Director, Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Chair and Introduction by Tony Campbell, Past President, CASIS
2:00 |
Panel 5 (concurrent) The Afghanistan Challenge Ballroom
- Chair: David Charters, University of New Brunswick
- Larry Goodson, US Army War College
"Understanding the Threat: The Taliban"
- Mark Sedra, Bonn Centre for Conversion
"Understanding the Mission: Provincial Reconstruction Teams"
- Lee Windsor, University of New Brunswick
"Every Soldier a Collector: Intelligence Gathering on Stability Operations"
2:00 |
Panel 6 (concurrent) The Challenges and Costs of Prevention Richelieu-Frontenac
- Chair: Paul Heinbecker, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Waterloo
- Simon Chesterman, Executive Director, Institute for International Law and Justice, New York University Law School
"Intelligence and Collective Security"
- Frank Harvey, Dalhousie University
"Success, Failure and the Escalating Cost of Homeland Security"
- Michael Kowalski, Office of the National Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism, The Netherlands
"Afghan Conditions in Amsterdam? Home-grown Threats, Intelligence Limitations and Risk Exaggerations"
3:30 |
Break |
4:00 |
Panel 7 (concurrent) Intelligence Scholarship: The State of the Art Ballroom
Law Enforcement and Intelligence in the Domestic Arena
- Chair: Reg Whitaker, University of Victoria
- Loch Johnson, University of Georgia
"Intelligence Scholarship: From Picks and Shovels to Bulldozers"
- David Kahn, Author
- Wolfgang Krieger, University of Marburg
"German Intelligence Studies between Weltschmerz and Scholarship"
- Martin Rudner, Carleton University
"A Tough Row to Hoe: Building Intelligence and Security Studies in the Canadian University System"
4:00 |
Panel 8 (concurrent) Richelieu-Frontenac
Through Chinese Walls: Law Enforcement and Intelligence in the Domestic Arena
- Chair: Stuart Farson, Simon Fraser University
- Ron Marks, Senior VP for Government Relations, Oxford Analytica
"Domestic Intelligence Gathering in the US"
- Jean-Paul Brodeur, Centre International de Criminologie Compar�e, Universit� de Montr�al
- Willem de Lint, University of Windsor
"Trust, Value and Information Flows in Security Networks"
5:30 |
Academic Visit to Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) - Weller Prize Panel
CSIS Headquarters Only those full-time students and Canadian CASIS member professors who signed-up in the Victoria Room on Thursday before 6:00pm will be able to attend. Shuttle buses leave the Queen Street side of the hotel at 5:40pm. Please bring your government-issued photo identification. Electronic and cellular equipment is prohibited.
- Chair: Arne Kislenko, Ryerson University and Chairman, 2006 Weller Prize Committee
- Paz Buttedahl, Royal Roads University and Member, 2006 Weller Prize Committee
- Omar Ashour, McGill University, 2006 Weller Prize Graduate Winner
- Barbara McCartney, University of Ottawa, 2006 Weller Prize Undergraduate Winner
8:00 |
Literary Lecture: Intelligence and Fiction Ballroom
Charles McCarry, Author, Old Boys
Mr. McCarry will discuss the tenuous relationship between espionage in fiction and espionage in practice based on his own first-hand experience in both spheres.
Chair and Introduction by Wesley Wark, CASIS President and Munk Centre, University of Toronto
Saturday, October 28
8:30 |
CASIS Special Presentation (concurrent) Ballroom
Daniel J. Mulvenna, Counter Intelligence Studies Centre, Washington, DC and
former Officer, RCMP Security Service
"The KGB - RCMP Counterintelligence Battle - 1953 to 1979"
8:30 |
Panel 9 (concurrent) Intelligence Gathering by Friend and Foe in the War on Terror Richelieu-Frontenac
- Chair: Angela Gendron, Carleton University
- Tom Quiggin, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore
"The Risk Assessment and Horizon Scanning Project in Singapore"
- Brian Jackson, RAND
"Assessing the Impacts of the Internet on Terrorist Groups and their Implications for Intelligence"
- Kevin O'Brien, Security Consultant and formerly RAND UK
"A Terrorist Intelligence Craft? Assessing Terrorist Intelligence Practices"
9:30 |
Panel 10 (concurrent) Comparative National Security Law Ballroom
- Chair: Hon. Justice Richard Mosley, Federal Court
- Stanley Cohen, Senior General Counsel, Justice Canada
"Seeking the Elusive Balance: Recent Developments in Canadian Counter-terrorism and National Security Law"
- Richard A. Posner, University of Chicago Law School
- Kent Roach, University of Toronto Law School
"Comparative Anti-Terrorism Law: The Australian Experience"
- Ian Leigh, Durham University, UK
"National Security and Civil Liberties in post-9/11 Britain"
9:30 |
Panel 11 (concurrent) Secrets vs. Open Source: Changing the Definition of Intelligence Richelieu-Frontenac
- Chair: John MacLaughlan, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- William Nolte, University of Maryland
- Michael Herman, Oxford University
"Changing the Definitions: A Conservative Goes Back to Basics"
- Charles Barlow, Integrated Threat Assessment Centre
- Perrin Beatty, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association
11:00 |
Break |
11:15 |
CASIS Keynote Lecture Ballroom
Mark Lowenthal, Intelligence and Security Academy, Washington, DC and former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production, 2002-05
"9/11 and Iraq: Lessons Learned and Unlearned, Real and Imagined"
Chair and Introduction by Greg Fyffe, Executive Director, International Assessment Staff, Privy Council Office
12:15 |
CASIS Town Hall Ballroom
The O'Connor Commission (Maher Arar) Report: An Assessment of the Findings
Reg Whitaker, University of Victoria
Jeff Sallot, The Globe and Mail
Sheema Khan, founder & former Chair of the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations
With participation from the audience
1:15 |
Lunch (No Host) |
1:15 |
CASIS Annual General Meeting (For those taking part in the AGM, which is open to all CASIS members, we will offer a buffet lunch) Ballroom - Northwest Section |
3:00 |
Panel 12: Roundtable: The Media and the Secret World Ballroom
- Chair: David Watson, Ottawa Citizen
- Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press
"Doing Jigsaw Puzzles in the Dark"
- Colin Freeze, The Globe and Mail
- Stewart Bell, The National Post
"Access to Information and National Security Reporting"
- Michelle Shephard, The Toronto Star
4:00 |
Conference Conclusions and Wrap-up: Looking Back and Looking Ahead Ballroom
- Chair: Wesley Wark, CASIS President and Munk Centre, University of Toronto
- Jennifer Sims, Georgetown University
- Wolfgang Krieger, University of Marburg
- Margaret Purdy, University of British Columbia
4:30 |
Close of Conference |