Related Conferences & Symposia On Security & Intelligence

For information on the 2002 CASIS annual conference, please click here.


June 22-25,  2003: Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness

"The Changing Face of Disaster Management: New Threats, New Approaches"

The Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP) is calling for presentations for the 13th World Conference on Disaster Management (WCDM) ( The Conference will be held in Toronto, Canada from June 22-25, 2003.

WCDM has become one of the premier events in North America for training and networking among Emergency Response, Emergency Management, Business Continuity, Emergency Health, Security and Risk Management professionals world-wide and for the organizations which supply and service these professions. The 2003 Conference is expected to attract over 900 delegates from Canada, the US and from around the world. Conference delegates come from all levels of government, educational institutions, business and the emergency response community.

The Conference theme will be "The Changing Face of Disaster Management" with a sub-theme of "NEW THREATS, NEW APPROACHES".

Presentations should fall into one or more of the following categories:

- Real Events/Real Lessons Learned
- Emerging Trends in Disaster Management
- The Human Element in Disaster Management
- Technical Risks/Emergencies
- Disaster Management Principles & Practices

Presentation abstracts must be submitted by December 16, 2002.

If you have some knowledge to share, or know of someone who might be interested in presenting, please visit our web site at to access the Call for Presentations and to see a more detailed description of the program outline. If you have any questions please call Adrian Gordon at 905.319.4034 or email:
[email protected]

Adrian Gordon CBCP
Executive Director
Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness ( - a not-for-profit organization devoted to the advocacy and promotion of disaster management

Presenters of the World Conferences on Disaster Management (
1005 Skyview Dr., Suite 202
On. L7P 5B1
Tel: (905) 319 4034
Fax: (647) 439 1608
Email: [email protected]


September 19-20,  2003: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF); Intelligence Oversight Committee, Norwegian Parliament; & the Human Rights Centre, Department of Law, University of Durham

"The Changing Face of Disaster Management: New Threats, New Approaches"

Venue: The Storting, Norwegian Parliament, Main Building Complex, Seminar Room, Karl Johans Gate 22, 0026, Oslo, Norway.

Participation is invited from parties with a professional interest in the governance and accountability of security and intelligence agencies at an international conference on the theme of legislative and executive accountability of security and intelligence.

The objectives are to stimulate an informed debate on intelligence oversight, to systematically collect and compare data on intelligence oversight systems and to initiate the drafting of a model law on intelligence oversight. The participants will include parliamentarians and practitioners involved in oversight, as well as academics with a specialist interests in political science, public administration, international studies and law.

The conference aims to evaluate experiences of oversight institutions, mechanisms, and procedures and then to identify best practices. The programme includes presentations on accountability in eight different countries: the Argentina, Germany, Norway, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, the United States and the United Kingdom. Details can be found on the website of the Making Intelligence Accountable project:

Additional papers are invited on any of the following:

  •  Additional country studies

  • Challenges for accountability and governance post- September 11

  • Accountability of international security collaboration

  • Comparative studies of the impact on accountability of particular sub-issues such as data protection or Freedom of information or surveillance.

Costs: participants bear all costs other than meals and dinners during the two days.

Proposals  for papers may be sent by 30 June 2021 in the form of an abstract of no more than 400 words by post, e mail or fax to Professor Ian Leigh, Durham Human Rights Centre, Department of Law, 50 North Bailey, Durham, DH1 3ET, United Kingdom; [email protected] ; fax: +44 (0) 191 33428001. They will be reviewed by the organising committee and proposers will be notified no later than 15 July 2021 whether their proposals have been accepted.

October 3-4,  2003: Conflict Studies Conference, University of New Brunswick, Fredricton NB

"Terrorism and Transnational Crime: Evolving Challenges to Security and Policing"

Friday 3 October

Keynote address: �Terrorism and Trans-National Crime: A Global Perspective�

Dr. Phil Williams, University of Pittsburgh

Panel 1: �Terrorism and Crime: Case Studies �

�Russian Intelligence Services, Organized Crime, and Nuclear Terrorism�

Julie Anderson (City University of New York)

�Lessons of the �Nord-Ost�: Transformations of a Criminal Chechen Network in the Russian Security Discourse�

Viktoriya Topalova (University of British Columbia)

�The Tamil Tigers, Terrorism, and Organized Crime�

John Thompson (Mackenzie Institute)

�Narco-Terrorism in Colombia: A View from Canada�

Speaker TBA (from RCMP Criminal Intelligence Directorate)

Coffee Break

Panel 2: �Comprehending and Responding to the Challenge�

�Boxing With Shadows: Understanding and Addressing the Global Asymmetric Threat Complex�

Christopher Corpora (American University)

�The Emperor�s Leased Clothes: The Privatization of Security and the American

War on Terror�

Christopher Spearin (York University)


Evening - free


Saturday 4 October

Panel 3: �Democracy, Terrorism, and Crime�

�Democratic Counter-Terrorism: Fundamental Principles and Best Practices� Dr. G. Davidson-Smith (Canadian Security Intelligence Service)

�The Role of Parliament in Security Oversight in Canada�

Roy Rempel (Defence Association Network News)

�Responses to Terrorism by International Organizations�

Kate Bryden (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade)

Coffee Break

Panel 4: �Perspectives on Intelligence-Led Policing�

�Intelligence-Led Policing: A Canadian National Perspective�

Assistant Commissioner Richard Proulx (RCMP)

�Intelligence-Led Policing: A Provincial and Regional View�

Dr. David Charters (University of New Brunswick)

�Can Intelligence-Led Policing Do More Than Round Up the Usual Suspects?�

Dr. Peter Gill (Liverpool John Moores University)


Panel 5: �Managing Intelligence and Security�

�Countering Terrorism and Serious Crime in the United Kingdom�

Detective Superintendent Colette Paul (Metropolitan Police, UK)

�The Experience of a Provincial Criminal Intelligence Fusion Center�

Speaker TBA (Department of Public Safety, Province of New Brunswick)

Coffee Break

Panel 6: �The Crime-Terrorism Nexus in Critical Perspective�

Chair: Dr. Margaret Beare (Nathanson Centre); Discussants: Phil Williams, Christopher Corpora, G. Davidson-Smith, Peter Gill

Summation: Dr. Charters (UNB)

Evening: Closing Banquet


For more information please visit the Center for Conflict Studies.


March 17-20th,  2004: International Studies Association, Montreal

"Hegemony and its Discontents"

Explaining Intelligence Failures
Chair: Michael Turner, Alliant University.
John Hedley, The Write Place, Inc., "CIA and the School of Hard Knocks: Turning Failures into Success"
Arthur Hulnick, Boston University, "What Went Wrong: An Examination of the Alleged Intelligence Failure on 9/11/2001"
Jefferson Adams, Sarah Lawrence College, "STASI and the Failure of 1989" (tentative)
Ephraim Kahane, Western Galilee College, "Israel's Intelligence Failures" (tentative)
Michael A. Turner, Alliant International University, "The Uses of Intelligence Failures"
Discussant: Richard Valcourt, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Journalism and Intelligence
Chair: Robin Brown, University of Leeds.

Intelligence and Counter terrorism Strategies
Chair: Daniel Gressang, Joint Military Intelligence College

National Intelligence and law Enforcement
Chair: Daniel Gressang

The Iraq War and the future of US-UK Special Relationship.
Chair: John Hedley

Issues in the Theorisation of Intelligence:
Chair : Pete Gill, Liverpool John Moores University
Pete Gill: Issues in Intelligence Theory
Mark Pythian, University of Wolverhampton
Sheila Kerr, JSCSC: Problems and Prospects in Intelligence Theory.

Joint Panels:

Hegemony, Intelligence and Diplomacy. (with Diplomacy)
Chair: John Stempel, Donna Lee.

Round Table:

Human Security and National Security: Why not Co-operate on our Common Goal? (co-panel with UN/ Peace Studies).
Chair: Michael Andregg, University of St. Thomas
Hideaki Shinoda, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University
Laurie Calhoun, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
Reuben E. Brigety, Human Rights Watch
Sheila Kerr, Department of Defence Studies, Joint Services Command and Staff College
Sonya Finley, Department of Military Instruction, U.S. Military Academy
Pauletta Otis, Joint Military Intelligence College, Defense Intelligence Agency


For more information about this conference, please visit the ISA 2004 Conference web site.