Last Updated: 13 July 2021





This section of the selective bibliography is comprised of books, edited texts, and pamphlets. To be included the material must be directly about Canadian security or intelligence matters or contain significant information of interest to those studying Canadian national security issues. The section includes some material on related policy areas such as those dealing with defence, foreign affairs and immigration, refugees and aliens. Also, included is material covering crimes against the state and specific aspects of policing to deal with such crimes. For example, this section includes books on: sedition, political violence, terrorism, organized crime, conspiracy, electronic surveillance and and police powers. Readers will also find material on issues that are relevant to studying intelligence. Thus some material on access to information, privacy, secrecy, civil liberties, and dissent is included. In addition, users of the bibliography can search through the material to find books on such events as the Winnipeg General Strike and the October Crisis of 1970 as well as on such social and political movements as nationalism, communism, racism, fascism and labour struggles in Canada.




ABELLA , Irving,

Nationalism, Communism and Canadian Labour, The CIO, the Communist Party and the Canadian Congress of Labour, 1935-56 , Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973.


ABELLA , Irving (ed.),

On Strike: Six Key labour Struggles in Canada, 1919-1949 , Toronto: James Lorimer, 1974.


ABELLA , Rosalie S, and ROTHMAN, Melvin L., (eds.),

Justice Beyond Orwell , Montreal, Edition Yvon Blais: 1985.



The Enemy that Never Was: A History of Japanese Canadians , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1976.


ANDREW , Christopher and MITROKHIN, Vasili,

The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West, London: Penguin, 1999. The book also appeared in the US under the title: The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB .


ANGUS , Ian,

Canadian Bolsheviks: The Early Years of the Communist party of Canada , Montreal: Vanguard, 1981.



Canada and the French , New York, Facts on File, 1977.

Dowson v. RCMP: A Vivid Episode in the Ongoing Struggle for Freedom of Thought and Social Justice in Canada , Toronto: Forward, 1980.

A The Future of Espionage: New Players, Old Game, @ Queen = s Quarterly 100 (Summer, 1993).


ARONSEN , Lawrence, and KITCHEN, Martin,

The Origins of the Cold War in Comparative Perspective: Canadian, American and British Relations with Soviet Union, 1941-1948 , London and Toronto: Saint Martin = s Press, 1998.

American National Security & Economic Relations with Canada, 1945-1954 , Toronto: Greenwood, 1997.



The Communist Party in Canada: A History , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1975.


AVERY , Donald H.,

"Dangerous Foreigners:" European Immigrant Workers and Labour Radicalism in Canada, 1896-1932 , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1979.

The Science of War: Canadian Scientists & Allied Military Technology During the Second World War , Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.



The Winnipeg General Strike , Toronto: Copp Clark, 1967.



Down and Out in Canada = s Intelligence Service: How CSIS used Counter-intelligence Techniques to Investigate a Depressed Employee , Ottawa: Self-Published, 2000


BARRETT , Stanley,

Is God a Racist? The Right Wing in Canada , Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987.


BARROS , James,

No Sense of Evil: Espionage the Case of Herbert Norman , Toronto: Deneau, 1986.


BEACH , Thomas M.,

Twenty Five Years in the Secret Service , ......


BEARE , Margaret E.,

Criminal Conspiracies: Organized Crime in Canada. Scarborough: Nelson Canada, 1996.


BEAUDOUIN , J. et al.,

Terrorisme et Justice: Entre La Liberte et l'ordre: Le Crime Politique , Montreal: Editions du Jours, 1970.


BEEBY, Dean,

Cargo of Lies: The True Story of a Nazi Double Agent in Canada , Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.



L'Opinion Publique et la Crise d'Octobre , Montreal: Editions du Hour, 1981.



Confrontation at Winnipeg: Labour, Industrial Relations and the General Strike , Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1974.


BERGER , Thomas R.,

Fragile Freedoms: Human Rights and Dissent in Canada , Revised Edition, Toronto: Irwin Publishing, 1982.



The Swastika and the Maple Leaf: Fascist Movements in Canada in the Thirties , Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1975.

Political Terrorism -- Threat, Sanction in a Canadian Context , Toronto: Canadian Forces Command and Staff College, 1979.

The Little Band: The Clashes between the Communists and the Political and Legal Establishment in Canada, 1928-1932 , Ottawa: Deneau, 1982.


BLACK , Eldon,

Direct Intervention: Canada-France Relations 1967-1974 , Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1996.


BLAISE , Clark, and MUKHERJEE, Bharati. The Sorrow and the Terror : The Haunting Legacy of the Air India Tragedy, Markham: Viking, 1987.


BOROVOY , A. Alan,

When Freedoms Collide: The Case for Our Civil Liberties , Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1988.


BOSHER , John Francis,

The Gaullist Attack on Canada, 1967-1997 , Montreal: McGill-Queen = s University press, 2000.



The Big Chill: Canada and the Cold War , Contemporary Affairs No.1, Toronto, Canadian Institute for International Affairs, 1998.


BOTHWELL , Robert and GRANATSTEIN, J.L. (eds.),

The Gouzenko Transcripts: The Evidence Presented to the Kellogg-Tashereau Royal Commission of 1946 , Ottawa: Deneau, 1982.


BOWEN , Roger W. (ed.)

E.H. Norman: His Life and Scholarship , Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984.



Canada and the Canadian Question Revisited , Stanford: Hoover Institute Press, 1987.



Years of Sorrow, Years of Shame: The Japanese Canadians in World War II, Toronto: Doubleday, 1977.


BRODEUR , Jean-Paul,


Les visages de la police. Pratiques et perceptions. Montréal: Les Presses de l' Université de Montréal., 2003


BRODEUR , Jean-Paul, GILL, Peter and TÖLLBORG, Denis,


Democracy, Law and Society. Internal Security Services in Contemporary Europe , Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003..


BRODEUR , Jean-Paul and MONJARDET, Dominique,


Connaître la police.Grands textes de la recherche anglo-saxonne. Les Cahiers de la sécurité intérieure, Paris: Documentation Française. Hors-série, 2003.


BROSSARD , Jacques,

L'accession a la Souverainte et le Cas du Quebec , Montreal: Les Presses de L'Universite de Montreal, 1976.


BROWN , Lorne and BROWN, Caroline,


An Unauthorized History of the RCMP , Toronto: James Lorrimer, 1978.


BRYDEN , John,

Deadly Allies: Canada's Secret War, 1937-1947 , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart: 1989.

Best-Kept Secret: Canadian Secret Intelligence In the Second World War , Toronto: Lester, 1993.


BUCK , Tim,

Thirty Years, 1922-1952: The Story of the Communist Movement in Canada , Toronto: Progress Books, 1952.

Years in the Struggle: Reminiscences of Tim Buck , Toronto; NC Press, 1977.



The Real Communist Menace: The Canadian Royal Commission on Espionage and Other Communist Activities, Flesherton: Canadian League of Rights, 1978.


BUTLER , Rick,

Quebec: The People Speak , Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1978.


Canadian Security and Defence: The Legacy and the Challenges , Adelphi Papers 214, London: The International Institute for Strategic Studies, Winter, 1986.



Emma: Canada's Unlikely Spy , Stoddart, 1984.


CAMERON , David R.,


Nationalism, Self-determination and the Quebec Question , Toronto: Macmillan, 1974.


CAMERON , Stevie,

Ottawa Inside Out: Power, Prestige and Scandal in the Nation's Capital , Ottawa: Key Porter Books, 1989.



The Communist Threat to Canada , Montreal: Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 1947.

How Communists Operate! A Brief Memorandum on Communist Tactics, Montreal: Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 1948.




> Sedition = , the Bosses' Weapon to Stifle Protest against Hunger, Exploitation, and War! [Toronto, 1932?]



The Red Fog over America , Willowdale: NFCL, 1955.



Behind Canadian Barbed Wire: Alien, Refugee and Prisoner of War Camps in Canada 1914-1916 , Calgary: Tumbleweed Press, 1980.



CHAPMAN , Brian,

The Canadian Police: A Survey , Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1977.


CHARTERS , David A., (ed.),

Democratic Responses to International Terrorism , Dobbs Ferry, NY: Transnational Publishers, 1991.


CHARTERS, David A, FARSON, A. Stuart and HASTEDT, Glenn, (eds.),

Intelligence Analysis and Assessment , London: Frank Cass, 1996.



Pourquoi je suis separatiste , Montreal: Les Edition du Jour, 1961.


CHODOS , Nickal Robert and Auf de MAUR, Nick,

Quebec: A Chronicle, 1968-72: A Last Post Special , Toronto: James Lewis and Samuel, 1972.


CLARK , Samuel, GRAYSON, J. Paul, and GRAYSON, Linda.,

Prophecy and Protest: Social Movements in 20 th Century Canada , Toronto: Gage, 1975.


CLEROUX , Richard,

Official Secrets: The Story behind the Canadian Intelligence Service , Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1990.


CLIFT , Dominique,

Le Declin du nationalisme au Quebec , Montreal: Editions Libre Expression, 1981.

Quebec Nationalism in Crisis , Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1982.


COHEN , Stanley A.,

Invasion of Privacy: Police Electronic Surveillance in Canada , Toronto: Carswell, 1983.


COLEMAN , William D.,

The Independence Movement in Quebec: 1945-1980 , Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984.



In the Sleep Room: The Story of the CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada , Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1988.



Questions for To-day: Documents and Commentary on the Communist Party of Canada , Toronto: Progress Books, 1964.

The Road to Socialism in Canada: The Program of the Communist Party of Canada , Toronto: Progress Books, 1985.


COOK , Ramsay,

Canada, Quebec, and the Uses of Nationalism , Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1986.


CROSBY , Ann Denholm,


Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making: Constructing Canada = s Role in NORAD , London: Macmillan, 1998.



Canadian Military Independence in the Age of the Superpowers , Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1977.



Quebec, Canada, and the October Crisis , Montreal: Black Rose, 1973.


DANIELS , Ronald J, MACKLEM, Patrick and ROACH, Kent (eds.),

The Security of Freedom: Essays on Canada's Anti‑Terrorism Bill , Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001.


DAGENAIS , Bernard,

La crise d = octobre et les medias: le mirroir a dix faces: essai , Outrement: VLB, 1990.


DAUBNEY , David, DEISEMAN, Wade, JUTRAS, Daniel, MENDES, Errol, and MOLINARI, Pattrick, (eds.),

Terrorism, Law and Democracy,: How is Canada Changing after September 11 th ? Montreal: Les Editions Themis, 2002.


de VAULT , Carole, and JOHNSON, William,

The Informer: Confessions of an Ex-terrorist , Toronto: Fleet, 1982.


DION , R.,

Crimes of the Secret Police , Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1982.



Quebec B Only the Beginning: The Manifestos of the Common Front , Toronto: New Press, 1972.


DUBROS , James, and ROWLAND, Robin,

Undercover: Cases of the RCMP's Most Secret Operative , Toronto: Octopus, 1991.


DUMONT , Fernand,

The Vigil of Quebec , Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974.


EDWARDS , John Ll. J.,

Law Officers of the Crown , London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1964.

The Attorney General, Politics and the Public Interest , London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1984.


ELLIOT , Stuart Robert,

Scarlet to Green: A History of Intelligence in the Canadian Army 1903-1963 , Toronto: Canadian Intelligence and Security Association, 1981.


ERICSON , Richard V.,

The Constitution of Legal Inequality Ottawa: Carleton University, 1983.


FARSON, A. Stuart, David Stafford, and Wesley K. Wark. (eds.),

Security and Intelligence in a Changing World: New Perspectives for the 1990s , London: Frank Cass, 1991.


FIDLER , Richard,

RCMP: The Real Subversives , Toronto: Vanguard, 1978.


FILLMORE , Charles L.,

In Darkest Ottawa, Vancouver Charles L. Fillmore, 1954.



Improbable Cause: Dissent and Deceit in the Investigation of Canada = s Worst Air Disaster , Toronto: Seal Books, 1991.

FLAHERTY , David H.,

Protecting Privacy in Surveillance Societies: The Federal Republic of Germany , Sweden , France , Canada , and the United States , University of North Carolina Press, 1989.


FLEMMING , Marlis,

Under Protective Surveillance , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1976.


FOURNIER , Louis, (translated by Edward Baxter),

FLQ: The Anatomy of an Underground Mouvement , Toronto : NC Press, 1984.


FONTANA , James A.,


The Law of Search and Seizure in Canada , 4 th Edition, Toronto : Butterworths, 1997.


FORD, Robert A.D.,

Our man in Moscow : A Diplomat's Reflections on the Soviet Union , Toronto : University of Toronto Press , 1989.


FREEDMAN , David J., and STENNING, Philip C.,

Private Security, Police and the Law in Canada , Toronto : Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto , 1978.


FRENCH , Richard, and BELIVEAU, Andre,

The RCMP and the Management of National Security , Toronto : Butterworth, 1979.


FRIEDLAND , Martin L.,

A Century of Criminal Justice: Perspectivies on the Development of Canadian Law , Toronto : Carswell, 1984.



Deference to Authority: The Case of Canada , White Plains : M.E. Sharpe, 1980.



Constitutional Reason of State: The Survival of Constitutional Order Providence , R.I. : Brown University Press, 1957.

FROMM , Paul,

Political Terrorism and the Peace Movement in Canada , Toronto : Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform, 1985.


FROST , Mike and GRATTON, Michel

Spyworld: Inside the Canadian and American Intelligence Establishments , Toronto : Doubleday, 1994.



The Dangerous Delusion: Quebec 's Independence Obsession as Seen Through the Eyes of one of Rene Lesvesque's Former Advisors , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1978.



Bayonets in the Streets: Urban Guerrillas at Home and Abroad , Don Mills: Collier-Macmillan, 1974.



Conflict and Unity: An Introduction to Canadian Political Life , Agincourt : Methun Publications, 1985.


GIBSON , Frederick W.,

To Serve and Yet be Free Vol.2 1917-1961, Montreal , 1983.


GILL , Peter,

Policing Politics: Security Intelligence and the Liberal Democratic State , London Frank Cass, 1994.

Rounding Up the Usual Suspects? Intelligence-Led Policing in the UK and North America , Ashgate, Aldershot , Forthcoming.



I Swear by Apollo: Dr. Ewen Cameron and the CIA-Brainwashing Experiments , Montreal : Eden Press, 1987.


GOODE , Matthew R.

Criminal Conspiracy in Canada , Toronto : Carswell, 1975.


This was my Choice: Gouzenko's Story , Toronto : Denton , 1948.

The Iron Curtain , New York : Dutton, 1948.



Canada 's War , (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1975).

A Man of Influence: Norman A. Robertson , Toronto : Deneau, 1981.

The Ottawa Men: The Civil Service Mandarins , Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1982.



Spy Wars: Espionage and Canada from Gouzenko to Glasnost , Toronto : Key Porter, 1990.


GRAY , Colin,

Canadian Defence Priorities: A Question of Relevance , Toronto : Clark Irwin, 1972.


GRAY , David R.,

Alert: Beyond the Inuit Lands: The Story of Canadian Forces Station Alert , Ottawa : Borealis, 1997.


GROSSMAN , Brian A.,

Police Command: Decisions and Discretion , Toronto : Macmillan, 1975.


GWYN , Richard,

The Northern Magus: Pierre Trudeau and Canadians , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1980.


HAGGART , Ron, and GOLDEN, Aubrey E.,

Rumours of War , Toronto : New Press, 1971.


HAHN , James Emanuel,

The Intelligence Service within the Canadian Corps, 1914-18 , Toronto : Macmillan, 1930.


HANKS , Peter and McCAMUS, John D. (eds.),

National Security: Surveillance and Accountability in a Democratic Society , Cowansville: Les Edition Yvon Blais, 1989.


HANNANT , Larry,

The Infernal Machine: Investigating the Loyalty of Canadian Citizens , Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1995.




Direct Action, Memoirs of an Urban Guerrilla , Toronto : Between the Lines Press, 2001


HARVISON , Clifford W.,

The Horsemen , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1967.


HASEK , John,

The Disarming of Canada , Toronto : Key Porter Books, 1987.


HAWKINS , Freda,

Canada and Immigration: Public Policy and Public Concern , Second Edition, Kingston and Montreal , McGill-Queen's University Press, 1988.

Critical Years in Immigration: Canada and Australia Compared , Kingston and Montreal , McGill-Queen's University Press, 1989.


HEAPS , Leo,

Hugh Hambleton, Spy , Toronto : Methuen , 1983.


HEWITT , Steve,

Spying 101: The RCMP's Secret Activities at Canadian Universities, 1917-1997 , Toronto , University of Toronto Press, 2002


HILLMER , Norman, KORDAN, Bordan and LUCIUK, Lubomyr, (eds.),


On Guard for Thee: War Ethnicity, and the Canadian State, 1939-1945 , Ottawa : Ministry of Supply and Services Canada , 1988.


HILLMER , Norman and MOLOT, Maureen Appel (eds.),

Canada Among Nations 2002: A Fading Power , Toronto : Oxford University Press, 2002.


HIRSCH , Richard,

Soviet Spies: The Story of Russian Espionage in Canada , New York : Duel, Sloan and Pearce, 1947.


HODGSON , Lynn-Philip,

Inside Camp X , Port Perry , Ontario : Blake Books, 2000.


HOGG , Peter,

Constitutional Law of Canada , Toronto : Carswell, 1977.


HOLT , Simma,

Terror in the Name of God: The Story of the Sons of Freedom Doukhobors , ( Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1964.


HORN , M.,

The League for Social Reconstruction: Intellectual Origins of the Democratic Left in Canada , Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1980.



One Nation under the Gun , Toronto : Stoddart, 1991.


HUBERT , David, and CLAUDE, Yves,

Les skinheads et l'extreme droit (Montreal: VLM Editeur, 1991).


HUBERT , Ron, and KEELEY, James,

A View from Above: Commercial Satellite Imagery, United Nations Peacekeeping and Canadian Security , ( Aldershot : Ashgate, 2004)

HYDE , H. Montgomery,


The Quiet Canadian: The Secret Service Story of Sir William Stephenson , London : Hamish Hamilton, 1962.

The Atom Bomb Spies , London : Hamish Hamilton, 1980


IACOVETTA, Franca , PERIN, Roberto and PRINCIPE , Angela, (eds.),

Enemies Within: Italian and Other Internees in Canada and Abroad , Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2000.


Quebec : The Challenge from Within , London : Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1972.



The Social Credit Movement in Alberta , Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1959.


IRWIN, Rosalind (ed.),

Ethics and Security in Canadian Foreign Policy , University of British Columbia Press: Vancouver , 2001



Collective Conflict, Violence and the Media in Canada , Ottawa : Carleton University , Department of Political Science, 1977.



The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle for Sovereignty , New York : Random House, 1980.


JAMIESON , Stuart,

Times of Trouble: Labour Unrest and Industrial Conflict in Canada , 1900-66 , Studies of the Task Force on Labour Relations, No.22, Ottawa : Supply and Services Canada , 1968



The Japanese-Canadians, A Dream of Riches, 1877-1977 , Vancouver : Japanese-Canadians Centennial Committee, 1978.

JIWA , Salim,

The Death of Air India Flight 182 , London : W.H. Allen, 1986.



The Voyage of the Komagata Maru: The Sikh Challenge to Canada = s Colour Bar Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1989.


KAPLAN , William,

Everything that Floats: Pat Sullivan, Hal Banks and the Seamen's Union , Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1987.


State and Salvation: The Jehovah = s Witnesses and Their Fight for Civil Rights , (Toronto:..... 1989);


KAPLAN , William and BEEBE, Dean (eds.),

Moscow Dispatches: Inside Cold War Russia , Toronto : James Lorimer, 1987.


KASSAM , Karim-Aly, MELNYK, George, and PERRAS, Lynne (eds.),

Canada and September 11 th: Impact and Responses , Calgary : Detselig Enterprises, 2002.


KASHMERI , Zuhair,

The Gulf Within: Canadian Arabs, Racism and the Gulf War , Toronto : James Lorimer, 1991.


KASHMERI , Zuhair and McANDREW, Brian,

Soft Target: How the Indian Intelligence Service Penetrated Canada , (Toronto: James Lorimer & Co., 1989)


KAVCHAK , Andrew,

Mackenzie Paper: Canadian National Security and the CSIS Act , No.12, Toronto : Mackenzie Institute, 1989.


KEALEY , Gregory S. and WHITAKER, Reg (eds.),

The R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins The Early Years, 1919-29 , Canadian Committee on Labour History: St John's , 1994.

The R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins The Depression Years, Part 1, 1933-34 , Canadian Committee on Labour History: St John's , 1993.

The R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins The Depression Years, Part 2, 1935 , Canadian Committee on Labour History: St John's , 1995.

The R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins The Depression Years, Part 3, 1936 , Canadian Committee on Labour History: St John's , 1995.

The R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins The Depression Years, Part 4, 1937 , Canadian Committee on Labour History: St John's , 1997.

The R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins The Depression Years, Part 5, 1938-39 , Canadian Committee on Labour History: St John's , 1997.

The R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins The War Series, Part 1, 1939-1941 , Canadian Committee on Labour History: St John's , 1989.

The R.C.M.P. Security Bulletins The War Series, Part 2, 1942-45 , Canadian Committee on Labour History: St John's , 1992.


KELLY , William, and KELLY, Nora,

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police: A Century of History, 1873-1973 , Edmonton : Hurtig, 1973.

Policing in Canada , Toronto : Macmillan, 1976.


KEMP , Vernon A.M.,

Without Fear, Favour or Affection: Thirty-five Years with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police , Toronto : Longmans, Green, 1958).


KILGOUR , David,

Betrayal: The Spy Canada Abandoned , Scarborough : Prentice Hall, 1994.


KINSELLA , Warren,

Unholy Alliances , Toronto : Lester, 1992.

Web of Hate: Inside Canada = s Far Right Network , Toronto : Harper Collins, 1994.


KINSMAN , Gary, BUSE, Dieter K. and STEEDMAN, Mercedes (eds.),

Whose National Security? Canadian State Surveillance and the Creation of Enemies , Toronto : Between the Lines, 2000.



Seven Pillars of Freedom: An Exposure of the Soviewt World Conspiracy and its Fifth Column in Canada , Toronto : Burns and MacEachern, 1952.



In the Shadow of the Rockies : Diary of the Castle Mountain Internment Camp , Edmonton : Canadian Institute of Ukranian Studies Press, 1991.



Shattered Illusion: The History of Ukranian Pro-Communist Organizations in Canada , Toronto : PMA Books, 1979.



Alarme Citoyens , Ottawa : Les Edition La Presse, Guy Lalumiere & Associes, 1972.


LA FOREST , Gerard V.,

Extradition to and from Canada , Toronto : Canada Law Book, 1977.



Pourquoi le Federalisme: Contribution d'un Quebecois a l'intelligence du Federalisme Canadien , Montreal : Hurtubise, 1972.



Le NDP et Quebec 1958-1985 , Montreal : Les Editions du Parc, 1985.



Les Québécois violents: un ouvrage sur les causes et la rentabilité de la violence d'inspiration politique au Québec , 2nd ed. Québec: Boreal Express, 1974.



The Canadian Japanese in World War Two , Toronto : Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 1948.



Where the Fraser River Flows: The Industrial Workers of the World in British Columbia (Vancouver, New Star, 1990)


LEVIN , Malcolm and SYLVESTOR, Christine,

Crisis in Quebec , Toronto : Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1973.


LESTER , Normand.,

Enquêtes sur les services secrets , Montreal : Les Editions de l = Homme, 1998.



An Option for Quebec , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1986.


LEVITT , Cyril H. and SHAFFIR, William,

The Christie Pits Riot : A Case Study in the Dynamics of Ethnic Violence - Toronto , August 16, 2021 , Downsview : York University , 1985.


LISEE , Jean-Francois,

In the Eye of the Eagle , Toronto : HarperCollins, 1990.



Target Nation: Canada and the Western Intelligence Network , Toronto : Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1986.


LOOMIS , Dan G.,

Not Much Glory: Quelling the F.L.Q. , Toronto : Deneau, 1984.



A Time for Atonement: Canada 's First National Internment Operations and the Ukrainian Canadians, 1914-1920 , Kingston : The Limestone Press, 1988.

Ukranians and Internment Operations on Ontario during the First World War , Toronto : Multicultural Historical Society of Ontario , 1988.

LUCIUK , Lubomyr (ed.),

Righting an Injustice: The Debate Over Redress for Canada 's First National Internment Operations , Toronto : Justinian Press, 1994


LUNAN , Gordon,

The Making of a Spy , Toronto : Robert Davies Publishing, 1995.


LUSTGARTEN , Laurence, and LEIGH, Ian,

In from the Cold: National Security and Parliamentary Democracy, Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1994.


LYON , Peyton V.,

The Loyalties of E. Herbert Norman , Ottawa : External Affairs and International Trade Canada , 1990



The True Intrepid: Sir William Stephenson and the Unknown Agents , Surrey : Timberholme Books, 1998


MACDONALD , R. St.J., and HUMPHREY, John P., (eds.),

The Practice of Freedom , Toronto : Butterworths, 1979.




Canadians behind Enemy Lines, 1939-1945 , Vancouver , University of British Columbia Press, 1981).


MANN , Edward and LEE, John Alan,

RCMP vs. the People: Inside Canada 's Security Service , Toronto : General Publishing, 1979.


MANNING , Morris,

Protection of Privacy Act, Bill C-176: An Analysis and Commentary , Toronto : Butterworths, 1974.

Wiretap Law in Canada : A Supplement to the Protection of Privacy Act: An Analysis and Commentary , Toronto : Butterworths, 1978.


MARTIN , John L.,

The Canadian Cossacks: A Review of Facts Concerning the RCMP , Vancouver: no publisher, 1935.



The Winnipeg General Strike , Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1950.


MATAS , David, and CHARENDOFF, Susan,

Justice Delayed: Nazi War Criminals in Canada , Toronto : Summerhill Press, 1987.


MATAS , David, and SIMON, Ilana,

Closing the Doors: The Failure of Refugee Protection, Toronto : Summerhill Press, 1989.



Reformers, Rebels, and Revolutionaries: The Western Canadian Radical Movement, 1899-1919, Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1978.

McEWEN , Tom,

The Forge Glows Red : From Blacksmith to Revolutionary , Toronto , Progress Books, 1974.


McLOUGHLIN , Michael,

Last Stop Paris : The Assassination of Mario Bachand and the Death of the FLQ , Toronto : Viking 1998.


McNAUGHT , Kenneth,

A Prophet in Politics , Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1959.


McNAUGHT , Kenneth, and BERCUSON, David J.,

The Winnipeg Strike: 1919 , Don Mills, Longman, 1974.


McROBERTS , Kenneth, and POSGATE, Dale,

Quebec : Social Change and Political Crisis , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1976.




Covert Entry: Spies, Lies and Crimes Inside Canada = s Secret Service , Toronto : Random House, 2002.



The Revolution Script , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1971.


MORF , Gustave,


Terror in Quebec : Case Studies of the FLQ , Toronto : Clark, Irwin, 1970.


MOUNT , Graeme S.,

Canada = s Enemies: Spies and Spying in the Peaceable Kingdom , Toronto : Dundern Press, 1993.



Unholy Terror: The Sikhs and International Terrorism , Toronto : Key Porter, 1988.


MURRELL , David,

Mackenzie Paper: A Balanced Overall View? Media Reporting of the Labrador Low-Flying Controversy, No. 19, Toronto : Mackenzie Institute, 1990.



The Peace Movement and the Communist Party of Canada , Toronto : Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform, 1984.


NEWMAN , Peter C.,

The Distemper of Our Times: Canadian Politics in Transition, 1963-1968 , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1968.


NORMAND , Lester,


Enquetes sur les Services Secret , Montreal : Les Editions de l = Homme, 1998.


PALMER , Howard,

Patterns of Prejudice: A History of Nativism in Alberta , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1982.


PAPINEAU , Michel,

Quebecgate: The Conspiracy of Silence , .........


PEARSON , Lester B.,

Memoirs , Vol.3, Toronto : University of Toronto Press,, 1976.



Waging War from Canada -- Why Canada is the perfect base for organizing, supporting and conducting international insurgency , (Port Townsend: Washington, Loompanics Unlimited, 2001.


PELLETIER , Gerard, (translated by Joyce Marshall),

The October Crisis , Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1971.


PENNER , Norman ,

Canadian Communism: The Stalin Years and Beyond , Toronto : Methuen , 1988.


PENNER , Norman, (ed.),

Winnipeg 1919: The Strikers' Own History of the Winnipeg General Strike , 2nd Edition, Toronto : Lorrimer, 1975.



The Living Legend: The Story of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Boston : Little, Brown, 1957.


PHILPOT , Robin,

Oka : dernier alibi du Canada anglais , Montreal : VLB Edituer, 1991.



Québec occupé , Montreal : Edition du Jour, 1971



The Mackenzie King Record: 1945-46 , Volume III, Toronto : University of Toronto , 1970.


POTTER, Evan H. (ed.),

Economic Intelligence and National Security , Ottawa : Carlton University Press, 1998.



La Grande Peur d'Octobre '70 , Montreal : Aurore, 1974.



Canada 's Secret Commandos: The Unauthorised Story of Joint Task Force Two, Ottawa : Esprit de Corps Books, 2002.


RADWANSKI , George., and WINDEYER, M.,

No Mandate but Terror , Richmond Hill : Simon and Schuster, 1970.



Freedom of Information in Canada : Will the Doors Stay Shut? , Ottawa : Canadian Bar Association, 1977.



Pierre Valliere: The Revolutionary Process in Quebec , New York : Dial Press, 1973.


REID , Malcolm,

The Shouting Signpainters: A Literary and Political Account of Quebec Revolutionary Nationalism , New York : Monthly Review Press, 1972.


REPKA , William and Kathleen M. REPKA,

Dangerous Patriots: Canada 's Unknown Prisoners of War , Vancouver: New Star Books, 1982.


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