Any previous registrations have NOT been transferred to the new CASIS website. We therefore kindly ask existing members to re-register. Thank you.
National Office :
55 Laurier Avenue E
Desmarais Building,
Room 11113
Ottawa ON Canada
K1N 6N5
Phone: 613-266-8048
Email: [email protected]
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from spambots.
Mailing address:
55 Laurier Avenue E
Desmarais Building,
Room 11113
Ottawa ON Canada
K1N 6N5
CASIS has partnered with the organizations whose logos appear below. Their mission and mandate converge with the CASIS mission, and each has agreed to provide information about events that will be of interest to CASIS members – they can be found in our calendar of events. The members of our partner organizations will also be kept informed about CASIS events. Unless otherwise indicated, members in good standing of our partner organizations will be welcome to take part in CASIS events at CASIS member rates, and CASIS members will be welcomed at partner events, also at rates otherwise available to their own members.